Small Business Resource
Helping Businesses Start Up since 2013
Call Business 911 Now!
1-(877) 275-7439
Local: 704-817-8021
(Customer Account Portal)
Who we are and how your support helps
Business 911 is 501(c)3 non profit organization…Created to strengthen and empower low income and minority communities with small business resources and tools. We teach a variety of business alternatives that lead to financial gain and self sufficiency. There are over 150,000 small business owners in Mecklenburg County NC with at least 30,000 businesses being minority owned. One third of them close yearly due to lack of capital, relevant information or needed resources. We’re here to change that! Our goal is to provide each city and county in North Carolina with resources and small business support.
Your help is necessary to build, support and empower communities and help individuals become more self-sufficient. It feels great to give. Plus your donations are tax deductible!

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Your Business listed on our website
Email Blast ( Over #5000 ) 1x
1 Shirt ( Logo on back )

Sponsor Now
Your Business listed on our website
Email Blast ( Over #5000 )1x a quarter
2 Shirt ( Logo on back )
Social Media Advertising (Facebook/IG)
Your LogoOn Marketing Materials

Sponsor Now
Your Business listed on our website
Email Blast ( Over #5000) Monthly
4 Shirt ( Logo on back )
Social Media (Facebook/IG)
Your Logo On Marketing Materials
Your Logo On Event Banners
Vendor Table / Entry to all events
Small Businesses applying for sponsorship will be required to register, additional info and documentation may be required to satisfy registration.
Some sponsorships will require Business Plans, Financials & Additional Paperwork.

Birth A Business
(One Time Donation)
Help someone birth their dreams. In most states you can form a LLC/INC for less than $200, this can be the start of a new career and legacy in the making with your donation. Any additional fee's required will be covered by Business 911 if they exceed what's donated. State Filing Fees Vary.

Help Build A Brand
(One Time Donation)
Marketing is an essential component in business. Your donation can mean the difference between one client and 100 clients. The monies could cover websites, marketing materials, uniforms, advertisements and more!

A Boost
(One Time Donation)
What a difference a dollar makes. Your donation can be just the boost an existing business needs for supplies, expenses or even manpower.
Donate Any Amount

Rescue Resource
(One Time Donation)
Things happen in business. For a Small Business Owner, life happening can mean the difference between being open and closed. Equipment repairs or unexpected business expenses can hurt a Small Business and be a big set back. You donation can set them up for a even greater come back.

Build, Stay, Grow
(One Time Donation)
Whether it be a new business or existing business. There are many things needed to run a business. Your donation could assist with helping a business expand to the next level of growth or help a business keep their doors open. Staying in business is the focus. With your help they can do just that!

Start-Up Cost
(One Time Donation)
Help a Small Business to launch by assisting with Start Up cost. Once have written the vision and made it plain its time to execute and make things happen. Thats where you come in!
Donate Any Amount