Challenge starts November 1st
How was your year?
We're you apart of the frantic entrepreneurs trying to get business paperwork together so you could apply for the Beyond Open Grant last Friday?

Starting November 1, I challenge you to get CLEAR on the plan for 2023
👀 Is all your paperwork legit?
👀 Is your branding clear?
👀 Are you selling things that are making money?
👀 Do you have a monthly money goal?
👀 Are you pricing your services and products right?
👀 Are you selling to the right people?
👀 Would you hire you, if you were an employer, based on how you show up now?
Don't wait TILL the new year to start right. Go into the new year on a mission from DAY 1
Join the challenge!
Comment " CLEAR " for more info and private group access👇🏾