Small Business Resource
Helping Businesses Start Up since 2013
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Protecting Your Idea
If it applies to your business, you may want to apply for trademarks, patents and your copyrights.
I'm a paragraph. Click here to add your own text and edit me. It’s easy. Just click “Edit Text” or double click me to add your own content and make changes to the font. Feel free to drag and drop me anywhere you like on your page. I’m a great place for you to tell a story and let your users know a little more about you.


* To register a trademark contact:
U.S Department Of Commerce
Trademark Office
2021 Jefferson Davis Highway Arlington, Virginia 22202
(703) 305-8341 / (800) 786-9199
*State Registration Of a Trademark:
Trademarks and service marks may be registered in a state for a term of ten years. For more information about Applications for Registration of Trademark or Service Mark in your state government.
Caution: Federally registered trademarks may conflict with and supersede state registered business and product names. Businesses are encouraged to check for conflicts with federal trademarks.
* Patents
Superintendent of Documents
P.O. Box 371954
Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania 152507954
(412) 512-1800
New and useful inventions can be protected by U.S Patent. Professional assistance from a patent attorney is strongly urged because procedures are detailed and technical. A patent search is performed to see if a patent currently exists on the same or nearly the same device and , if not, to make proper application with the Patent Office.
* Note / Only attorneys and agents registered with the U.S Patent Office may represent investors in related matters. Only these agents may perform patent searches in the patent office.

Domain Name
​Your domain name is your online address. This is the name linked to your website that your customers will remember and keep to connect to you.Your Domain name should be catchy, simple and represent your business. The prefix of your domain name is designed to accommodate different type of businesses and services.
COM - The Most Popular! All Businesses
EDU - School or Education
INFO - Providing Info / Instruction
BIZ - Business or Specialty
NET - Alternative to .COM/ Networking
ORG - Non Profit Organization
GOV - Government website
CO - Company - Clothing or Any Business
US - Group / Any Business
GURU - Totally master a service
CLUB - Night Club or Club
ME - Personal Website / Portfolio

Fiction, Non Fiction, Poetry, Articles, Periodicals
Music, Lyrics, Sound Recordings, Scripts, Stage Plays
Artwork, Illustrations, Jewelry, Fabric, Architecture
Movies, TV Shows, Video Games, Animation, Videos
Computer Programs, Databases, Blogs, Websites
News, Photos, Selfies, Wedding Photos, Family Photos