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Let's Get Your Book On The Shelf!
Welcome to the exclusive book publishing service for our Enterprise and Entrepreneur members! This is your gateway to turning your manuscript into a published work. As part of your membership, you are entitled to certain benefits and options, especially if you've been grandfathered under our previous policies.
Who Qualifies For This Discount
( Check My Membership )
Membership Benefits
ISBN Provision / Review & Amazon Launch
Wow, as a member, you'll receive an amazing value of $625! We'll provide you with an ISBN for your book, making it stand out in the marketplace. Plus, we'll review all of your materials and set up a meeting to ensure everything is perfect. And the best part? This is all in your membership at no extra cost! Just keep in mind that there are additional services available if you want to take your book to the next level.
What is a ISBN?
An ISBN, or International Standard Book Number, is a unique 10 or 13-digit number that identifies a book's edition, publisher, and physical properties. ISBNs are used by publishers, libraries, booksellers, and other supply chain participants for ordering, listing, sales records, and stock control
Each time you republish, or format the book in a different way. It will require a new ISBN
( Example: Hard Cover, Paperback, Special Edition )
Get Everything You Need!
While your membership includes the critical ISBN allocation, please note that other essential services required for publishing are available at an additional cost.
These services include:

Editing & Proofreading
Ensure your manuscript is polished and professional.

Enhance your book's marketing appeal

Properly format your book for print and digital publication, pricing based on page count.

"Get ready to bring your book to life with a stunning illustration!"

Book Cover Design
Create an eye-catching cover.

Ghost Writing
"Exciting news! We are here to you finish your book! Let's work together and make it happen!"