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It's Giving Tuesday
( Tax ID 82-4327895 / 501C3 - Non Profit )

Your help is greatly needed this Giving Tuesday. Our short term goals is to change our Non Profit status so that we can make a greater impact and have more access to funding.
We are currently listed as a PRIVATE FOUNDATION (501C3) With the IRS. Though still a non profit we are limited to certain grants and our donors can not get the full credit of their contributions when seeking tax deductions. Our goal with your help is to become a PUBLIC FOUNDATION. This comes at a cost of $600.
We would also like your help in raising funds for stamps, envelopes and marketing materials so that we can spread the word about our organization to community leaders, businesses and other organizations. Because we want to send mail outs to about 1000, we are seeking $400
TOTAL WE WANT TO RAISE IS $1000, We believe this is a seed that with your help will bring harvest and allow many to eat.
A donation of any amount is appreciated: $5. $10, $20, $50, $100 or more!
Thanks In Advance