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Create a WIX website In 1 Hour



Create A WIX website In 1 Hour

Get online and in front of your client in a few hours! Create your own website on WIX.

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Create a WIX website In 1 Hour
Create a WIX website In 1 Hour


2021年2月12日 GMT-5 20:00 – 2021年2月13日 GMT-5 22:00

Create A WIX website In 1 Hour


JerseyShey Designs Web Design & Marketing Studio with over 100 WIX websites under there belt, will be assisting us in creating our website step by step.

Giving you a headstart.....Content Creation List Included

* Not sure what to say in a website, your content creation list is there if you want to have it ready to just place and go. We will provide you the information on what to gather and provide to get started.

Needed / Required

Lap Top / Desk Top Computer

Active Internet

A Email Account

* Domain / Not included - can purchase from Jerseyshey Designs, info in Content List or have your own

  • Get it done in a hour!
  • Create a professional looking site
  • Learn how to use the WIX website to benefit your business, even make more money
  • Learn how to connect your own domain from Godaddy
  • Get access to a Quick Q & A on how to navigate the WIX app from your phone
  • Learn how to add a shopping cart feature to your website

If your think your computer savy, or KNOW you rock and you got this. Then dont pay a designer to create you a site, pay one to teach you how to do it yourself and SAVE HUNDREDS!


  • Friday Feb, 12th (8pm-10pm)

    Online Class / will get a separate zoom link

  • Saturday Mar, 6th (8pm-10pm)

    Online Class / will get a separate zoom link





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